The new MEG (Ethnographic Museum of Geneva): a story of collections, passion and works of art
By Boris Wastiau, Director of the Ethnographic Museum of Geneva
The new MEG (Ethnographic Museum of Geneva) is the most recently created museum in Geneva. With a rich collection of over 70,000 objects from 1500 cultures spread across the five continents, it has struck a chord with both the public and specialists. But why gather so many exotic objects together in a town – and country – that never had any colonies?
From the cabinet of curiosities from the library of Calvin College to international Geneva, the talk given by the director of MEG, who is also honorary Professor of religious African art at the University of Geneva, will encompass three centuries of collection and diverse museum projects.
Language: FR
In partnership with Tribal Art Magazine
Boris Wastiau (Part.1): Le nouveau MEG
Boris Wastiau (Part.2) : Histoire et chefs d’oeuvre des collections