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Rodolphe Janssen - Press Release

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For 2024, the gallery turns to the ultimate classic theme of “Still Life” or “Nature Morte” and opts for a dialogue of ages between recent and historical works. A 17th-century bouquet by Jacob Marrel, an engraving by Ensor, a drawing by Rops, and one by Magritte will converse alongside more contemporary proposals by various artists from the gallery, David Adamo, Genesis Belanger, Fred Bervoets, Bram Bogart, Matt Hansel, Sean Landers, Thomas Lerooy, Dan McCarthy, Alvin Ong, Tom Poelmans, Emily Mae Smith, Stephen Shore, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Gert & Uwe Tobias, Léon Wuidar... whose works seem to project a new light on this historical subject. The selection, which includes paintings, sculptures, photographs, and drawings, thus offers a revisiting of the concepts of “Still Life” and “Nature Morte,” while also opening up to explorations on vanitas or object painting.

"Brafa opens the year, and for us, it’s important to participate with a stand proposal conceptually very different from the one we present anywhere else. We have designed a project for Brafa, its diverse public and cross-disciplinary collectors — whose interests cross a myriad of specialties, not just contemporary art — that is at once didactic, contemporary and historical, but above all full of discoveries".
— Rodolphe Janssen
BRAFA 2024 - Rodolphe Janssen - Press Release