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Baronian-Xippas Brussels - Yves Zurstrassen | 4 COLORS - 09.09 > 13.11.2021

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Bazronian-Xippas Brussels
Yves Zurstrassen | 4 COLORS

We are pleased to be hosting a solo exhibition of Belgian artist Yves Zurstrassen (b. 1956, lives and works in Brussels) starting 9 September. It’s the first presentation of his work in Brussels after his solo exhibition Free at BOZAR in 2019.

The exhibition, titled 4 COLORS brings together a new series of works across the two spaces of the gallery. Whereas the main space presents monumental paintings, Rec Room shows tapestry works for the first time. Zurstrassen presents three smaller tapestry works, but the eye-catcher is an enormous hand-woven tapestry painting measuring 2 meters by 2 meters - which took a year to complete. This new and time-consuming technique provides a surprising translation of the works of this painter, who also previously produced frescoes.

The title of the exhibition refers to the four colors present in the exhibited works: blue, red, yellow and black. Although these are primary, luminous colours, they are incredibly deep and intense, and immediately absorb the viewer into the work.

4 COLORS is Yves Zurstrassen’s extended solo show featuring oil on canvases and a new series of tapestries in both spaces of the gallery. In this part of the exhibition, the presentation of the abstract paintings is constructed as a colorful mise en scène. Vermilion, blue, yellow, black and white enter into a distant dialogue and the works seem to speak to the other by reflecting similar color. The works use the viewer as a medium for transmission. On closer inspection, the works reveal precise details. The complex construction between the abstract shapes and lines that intertwine on a monochrome background produces a real game of pleasant visual illusions.

About the artist
Born in 1956 in Liège, Zurstrassen now lives and works between Brussels and Viens (FR). Recent solo exhibitions include Free, Bozar, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (2019), Free Energy, Museo de Santa Cruz, Toledo (2019) and MCNA (Le Delta), Maison de la Culture de la Province de Namur (2019). Recent group exhibtions include Jan Hoet gewidmet, IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Eupen (2016), Approche aux Constellations, Atelier 340 Museum, Brussels (2012) and Cobra & Co, Musée National des Beaux-Arts, Riga (2010).

Exhibition from 09.09 - 13.11.2021 | Opening Thursday 9 September, 11am - 9pm

More info:: Baronian Xippas | Yves Zurstrassen – 4 COLORS (Oil on canvas)

Baronian-Xippas Brussels

Rue Isidore Verheyden 2 & Rue de la Concorde 33 – BE-1050 Brussels
Phone +32 (0)2 512 92 95 - -