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DIE GALERIE - RISSA - Back to painting- 01.09 > 03.11.2021

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With the exhibition Rissa - Back to painting, DIE GALERIE dedicates to the wife of the painter Karl Otto Götz (1914 - 2017) an extensive overview of her creative work.
The artist, born Karin Martin in 1938, was a student of the master of Informel at the Düsseldorf Art Academy and from 1965 also his wife. Both cultivated an intense exchange around art and society, researching, working, writing and thinking in unison. Yet by 1964 Rissa had already distanced herself from the informal style of painting and embarked on her own artistic path towards representational painting.

From the very beginning, it was her intention to stand out with her art and to create something innovative and unique. In her compelling, tension-filled works, Rissa deals in her own way with political and socially critical themes that play a prominent role in social life and affect people in their everyday lives: Global conflicts, religion, sexuality, social interactions, the approach to the environment and the use of natural resources, phobias, neuroses and addictions - all these topics are the object of a profound analysis that unfolds within the two dimensions of the canvas. Through the vibrant power of her colours, Rissa draws the viewer in, first shocking him with the brutal honesty of her illustrations and, in the next step, challenging him to think critically about the uncomfortable truths hidden in her works. After many years in which Rissa had put herself on the sidelines, she now finds time and new inspiration for her own art. With around 30 paintings, prints and drawings, DIE GALERIE proudly presents Rissa's figurative, narrative and very individual visual language.

Due to the influence of Karl Otto Götz on Rissa's painting as well as the profound connection between the two artists, DIE GALERIE simultaneously presents a cabinet exhibition dedicated to the master of the Art Informel.

Visit the 3D-exhibition here.

Interview with the artist

As a matter of fact, Rissa’s art is an exciting new discovery – while the artist’s work has been described several times in museums and art associations, it has never been exhibited in a gallery until now; we are, in fact, the first to have this luck and honour! Isn’t that something?

Therefore, we would like to offer you the opportunity to get to know the artist and her work more closely. To this end, gallery owner peter Femfert visited Rissa in her home and studio in Wolfenacker and held an insightful conversation with her about her life with K.O. Götz, her own approach to art and about selected works from our exhibition as well.

Check out the interview and follow us in the Götze house here!


Grüneburgweg 123 – DE- 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 6997 14 71 0 - –