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La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach – Alice Anderson / Yoshimi Futamura  / Jeanne Susplugas / Joana Vasconcelos  - 10.09 > 31.10.2021

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Alice Anderson - Geometric dances (Global positioning system) (Grande nef)

Anderson's work brings together ancestral cultures and contemporary transhumanism. Her works include sculptures, paintings and drawings, all initiated by dance-performance, combining psycho-somatic organs (human body) and artificial organs (tools, technological objects, technical support). Anderson's approach presents a way of questioning the world facing the dazzling and complex computational development that affects the environment and the living world beyond these ingenuities. For Anderson, the ecological challenge is not to deny these transformational technologies (either in the service of human augmentation or threatening human societies) but to put into question the relationships between humans, environment and machines through dance-performance.

Yoshimi Futamura - Vérité tellurique (showroom first floor)

Yoshimi Futamura returns to the Patinoire Royale-Galerie Valérie Bach reaffirming her natural propensity in translating the telluric life of the depths of the earth, dirt that she treats with great refinement to express, in hollows, violence.

The violence of clay shattering under the heat, is reflected by the cracked slip of white porcelain milk which reveals, in a striking contrast, the black of the underlying clay, the violence of the deformations and subsidence, enforced by the heat, by the initial regular forms, and finally the violence of the formal result, close to calcinations or organic degradations, kinds of fungi, bark, noble putrefactions, give these works a strong dramatic aura.

From this aesthetic of transformation emerges a great truth, a form of questioning of time and its effect on matter, here frozen in a phase of disappearance, magnifying the void, the absence, the hollow, at the heart of the living mutation.

The presence of a new work made of flat and quadrangular ceramic tiles attracts attention, in that it comes here in total counterpoint to the rest of her oeuvre. This large tabletop which can either be wall-mounted or presented on the ground seems to be the result of a radical compression of what we see elsewhere, each ceramic element appearing to be the result, in two dimensions, of a planned vision of the formal world of the ceramist.

Ripe fruits, aesthetics of rotting, mortal remains, these forms are as much living witnesses of a power at work in nature that goes to re-form in our memories, from these substrates, what remains, once the state of power is exceeded, when only a trace remains, a memory, an immeasurable absence.

Jeanne Susplugas - I will sleep when I’m dead (espace verrière)

I will sleep when I’m dead  is a dive into the brain, a navigation by sight amongst neurons and synapses. The visitor gets lost in an infinite maze and crosses paths with «thoughts» materialized by 2D and 3D drawings. An intimate head to head, closely psychoanalytical, that introduces to an intense and a unique experience.

About the artist
Born in Montpellier, Jeanne Susplugas lives and works in Paris, France.
"Committed but not militant, Jeanne Susplugas' approach attacks all forms and strategies of confinement in order to question the individual's relationship with himself and with others." (Philippe Piguet in Semaine 13.13)
The mediums she explores are all vectors instructing the terms of a singular aesthetic determined by an obsessive being in the world, alternately troubled and reassured, worried and serene, solitary and complicit.

Joana Vasconcelos - Flow (rez à rue)

« Because I wanted to get into Fine Arts, I decided to learn to draw. But I enjoyed the process so much that I ended up extending my studies. Drawing has become a thinking method, a tool that accompanies me on a daily basis. In my sculpture projects everything starts with a drawing and I always carry a notebook that goes with me everywhere. Even when I'm in meetings, I'm constantly drawing. During confinement I found myself home alone, away from the team I usually work with. I couldn't take the studio into my room but I could draw. That's what I've done over the past few months and the final result will be exhibited at the Patinoire Royale – Galerie Valérie Bach in Brussels. [...] »

Abstract of 'Flow', text by Joana Vasconcelos

Opening hours (for all exhibitions)
Tuesday- Wednesday, 2 - 6pm / Thursday- Saturday, 11am - 7pm
Closed on Sunday and Monday

More info here.

La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach

15 rue Veydt, 1060 Brussels
T +32 2 533 03 90 - -