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De Jonckheere Master Paintings - discover our new website

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We have been looking forward to October for some time, because this is the month in which we launch our completely revamped website. It goes live today!

Do please take a look at it here

The site is still the gateway to the gallery, a shop window filled with fine art. But we have aimed to make it more engaging and easier to explore. There is all the information you would expect about the gallery, its story, its achievements and its goals. The artists’ page contains information about many of the masters whose works passed through our hands, with a educational approach to each of them. 

We are particularly excited about the innovative Virtual gallery, where we will be staging a changing roster of exhibitions throughout the year. It’s an entirely new way of presenting some of the great art that we have acquired. We see it as a kind of third space, one that complements the real-world gallery in Geneva and the numerous art fairs. 

 De Jonckheere Master Paintings
7 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville - 1204 Genève - Suisse
Tel. : + 41 22 310 80 80 - -