Museum Art & History reopens - Discover one of the most impressive museums of Belgium...


Museum Art & History is happy to welcome you again. Inside this historic building, one of the biggest museums in Belgium, discover via a specific planned route a wealth of artefacts from prehistoric times over antiquity and the European applied arts to a vast collection of non-European art. Among the star attractions are the collections of Egyptian sarcophagi and Greek vases, the great mosaic floor from Apamea and the fabulous model of Ancient Rome. There are also non-European art treasures from China, South-east Asia, Central Asia, the cultural world of Islam, America and Oceania. Particularly famous is the collection of pre-Columbian art and another eye-catcher is the colossal statue from Easter Island. There is also a representative selection of European decorative art, ranging from Romanesque Art to Art Deco. Among the collections not to be missed are the Mosan liturgical treasures, the tapestries, the retables, the glassware and the Art Nouveau figures. Indeed, some of the art treasures in this museum are right out of the top drawer.

Book your visit here.