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Dalton Somaré - Materia e Forma at BRAFA 2024

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The intersection between the plastic power of archaic primitive sculpture shapes and the material of which they were carved is the focus of the Dalton Somaré Gallery’s exhibition for BRAFA 2024. Centuries of devotion and the flow of history which these works of art experienced have changed their appearance making readable the profoundness of their cultural backgrounds. To underline and deepen this connection, the Haute Epoque Sculptures exhibited will be accompanied by large-format black and white photographs.

Maternity, Dogon N'duleri, Mali
17th-18th century
46 cm
Provenance: John J. Klejman, New York; Deborah N. and Philip M. Isaacson, Lewiston, Maine, 1964; Bernard de Grunne, Brussels; Pierre Dartevelle Collection, Brussels; Private Collection, Holland
Publications: Fournier (N.), On 50 by 100 Foot Lot: Glass Walls, Skylights, Privacy Featured in Award Winning Home, The Telegram, Portland, Maine, May 24, 1964; Tribal Art Magazine, #84, 2017; Pierre Dartevelle and Tribal Art, Valérie Dartevelle and Valentine Plisnier, 5Continents ed., Milan, 2020, Vol. II, p. 26
BRAFA 2024 - Dalton Somaré - Press Release