Pieter Bruegel - Most recent developments and discoveries

By Prof. Dr. Manfred Sellink, General Director and Head Curator of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Antwerp
Bruegel year calls for a lecture by one of the internationally renowned specialists on the artist. In this talk, Manfred Sellink will unveil the most recent discoveries made during research carried out at the Historical Museum of Vienna in the course of the large-scale Bruegel exhibition organised there from 2 October 2018 – 13 January 2019. Since 2018, BRAFA supports CODART, the international network of Flemish and Dutch visual arts curators. Manfred Sellink has been an active participant since the beginning, and was a member of the board of directors from 2008 to 2017.
Language: NL
In partnership with CODART
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Hunters in the Snow (Winter), 1565 © Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Picture Gallery
Manfred Sellink - photo by Marcel Lennartz
Bruegel year calls for a lecture by one of the internationally renowned specialists on the artist. In this talk, Manfred Sellink will unveil the most recent discoveries made during research carried out at the Historical Museum of Vienna in the course of the large-scale Bruegel exhibition organised there from 2 October 2018 – 13 January 2019. Since 2018, BRAFA supports CODART, the international network of Flemish and Dutch visual arts curators. Manfred Sellink has been an active participant since the beginning, and was a member of the board of directors from 2008 to 2017.
Language: NL
In partnership with CODART
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Hunters in the Snow (Winter), 1565 © Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Picture Gallery
Manfred Sellink - photo by Marcel Lennartz