From Antwerp to Amsterdam, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century painting

By Dr. Micha Leeflang, Museum Curator at Catharijneconvent, Utrecht
In this BRAFA Art Talk, Micha Leeflang discusses the preparations for the exhibition entitled From Antwerp to Amsterdam, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century painting, which will be presented at the Catharijneconvent Museum in Utrecht from May 11th to September 17th, 2023. In the sixteenth century, Antwerp was the most important commercial metropolis in Western Europe, the setting for a flourishing art market. Political and religious unrest led artists and dealers to migrate to the north, especially to Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Delft, Middelburg, The Hague and Enkhuizen. This migration gave rise to unprecedented economic prosperity and artistic competition in the city on the Amstel River. In other words, without Antwerp in the sixteenth century, there would have been no blossoming of Dutch painting in the seventeenth century.
Since 2018, BRAFA has been supporting CODART, the international network of museum curators, Dutch and Flemish art around the world. Micha Leeflang has been a member of CODART since 2007 and a member of the Programme Committee since 2020.
In partnerschip with CODART
Talk given in: English
Join us at 4pm at the stand King Baudouin Foundation n°115
In this BRAFA Art Talk, Micha Leeflang discusses the preparations for the exhibition entitled From Antwerp to Amsterdam, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century painting, which will be presented at the Catharijneconvent Museum in Utrecht from May 11th to September 17th, 2023. In the sixteenth century, Antwerp was the most important commercial metropolis in Western Europe, the setting for a flourishing art market. Political and religious unrest led artists and dealers to migrate to the north, especially to Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Delft, Middelburg, The Hague and Enkhuizen. This migration gave rise to unprecedented economic prosperity and artistic competition in the city on the Amstel River. In other words, without Antwerp in the sixteenth century, there would have been no blossoming of Dutch painting in the seventeenth century.
Since 2018, BRAFA has been supporting CODART, the international network of museum curators, Dutch and Flemish art around the world. Micha Leeflang has been a member of CODART since 2007 and a member of the Programme Committee since 2020.
In partnerschip with CODART
Talk given in: English
Join us at 4pm at the stand King Baudouin Foundation n°115