Dalton Somaré - Stand concept

The silhouettes of the decorations on the façades of the Cà Brüta (literally Ugly House, the building that would later be recognized as the Manifesto of Italian 20th-century Novecento movement and one of the visual symbols of the city of Milan) will serve as the backdrop for the Primitivist exhibition by Dalton Somaré Gallery at the 2025 edition of BRAFA. By referencing the Cà Brüta (1922), designed by Giovanni Muzio, our great-grandfather, we sought to return to the artistic roots of our family and the cultural influences that have guided the activity of our Gallery: namely, to highlight the continuous and fruitful dialogue that has connected the formal austerity and anti-rhetorical approach of Modernism with the conceptual synthesis of the forms created by artists we still persist to call “primitive”. Our great-grandfather, while in Paris, was acquainted with Max Jacob, Apollinaire and the Avant-Guarde mileu and later, in Italy, with De Chirico and Carrà. Through this exhibition, we aimed to recreate a metaphysical and timeless atmosphere, where the dialogue between modernity and the “primitive” sculptures created by anonymous artists reveals its contemporaneity.
Tomaso and Gerolamo Vigorelli
Tomaso and Gerolamo Vigorelli