virtual tour
Galerie Oscar De Vos - Selection of Masterpieces
1925: landmark moment in Belgian art history In the summer of 1924, the death of Emile Claus marked the end of a prolific career and of Belgian Impressionism. The influence of the pioneer of luminism lived on in the work of Valerius De Saedeleer, Léon De Smet, Maurice Sys and Albert Saverys, among others. At the same time, the first exhibition of the Laethemsche Kunstenaarskolonie took place in Gustave Van de Woestyne's former studio in Sint-Martens-Latem. Around 1925, the Belgian art world was reorienting itself towards modern movements such as expressionism and surrealism. Modernity in Flemish figurative art was championed by protagonists such as Constant Permeke, Gustave De Smet and Frits Van den Berghe. Sint-Martens-Latem and the Leie region served as the cradle of this artistic revolution and led to a flourishing art scene far beyond the country's borders...
2025 marks the great success of the public lover and his retrospective exhibition ‘Emile Claus. Prince of Luminism' at MuDeL (2024-2025). Gallery Oscar De Vos will offer some masterpieces from this exhibition during BRAFA 2025.
Other masterpieces presented:
Gustave Van de Woestyne's rare Source Garden
George Minne – L’Extase maternelle or Mother and child (1923)
Frits Van den Berghe - The Waiting or The Expectation (1925)
Gustave De Smet (1877-1943) The caravan (1925)
BRAFA 2025 - Galerie Oscar De Vos - Masterpieces

Latemstraat 20
BE-9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
t. +32 (0)9 281 11 70 | m. +32 (0)475 24 62 62

Oscar De Vos is an art connoisseur with a deep-rooted passion for modern Flemish art dating from 1880 to 1940. His gallery opened in 1968, focusing on Latem School paintings, drawings and sculptures. The artists associated with this school lived and/or worked in Sint-Martens-Latem, a picturesque village in the Flemish countryside crossed by the river Lys. All were involved in international art movements such as (post-) Impressionism, Symbolism, Expressionism and Surrealism. Over the last fifty years, the gallery has established its name in this specialised domain, contributing to international museum exhibitions and publications, and participating in international art fairs. Museums, art institutions and private collectors rely on the gallery’s expertise and reliability to expand and consolidate their collections.
Founded : 1968
Latem School paintings, works on paper and sculptures, (post-) Impressionism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism and modern Belgian art
ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art dealers)
BRAFA - Brussels