Tom & Tobias Desmet
Regentschapsstraat 17
BE-1000 Brussels
t. +32 (0)2 514 98 88 | m. +32 (0)475 37 60 50 | m. +32 (0)486 02 16 09
The Desmet Gallery is a second-generation family gallery, focusing on Classical Sculpture in the broad sense; i.e. from Antiquity to Neoclassicism, and specifically, sculpture from Ancient Rome, the Italian Renaissance and the Mannerist and Baroque period. The collection echoes the taste of the Grand Tour in the early 19th century: European sculpture from its cradle in the Greco-Roman period and every single revival and reinterpretation of this style up until 1850. The gallery is run by Tom Desmet and his son, Tobias. A combined experience of over 50 years.
Founded : 1980
Classical sculpture and works of art
ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art dealers), ARTEXPERTS.BE Belgische Kamer van Deskundigen in Kunstwerken, C.I.N.O.A. Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art
FAB Paris, BRAFA - Brussels, London Art Week