Galerie Marc Maison - Stand presentation
BRAFA 2025 - Galerie Marc Maison - Press release

Saint-Ouen sur Seine
75 Rue des Rosiers
FR-93400 Saint-Ouen sur Seine
m. +33 (0)6 60 62 61 90 | m. +33 (0)6 60 91 64 40

Born in 1961, Marc Maison embraced the profession of antique dealer in 1979. Established in the Village des Puces de Saint-Ouen, Marc Maison now counts four stores in this mythical location created in 1885. Specialising in 19th century furniture and decorative arts, as well as monumental architectural elements, the Marc Maison gallery is internationally renowned for its rare pieces (the Tourny fountain in Bordeaux, now in place in front of the Quebec Parliament, a historic lead fountain from the first gardens of the Château de Versailles...). The history and richness of the decor (fireplaces, fountains, woodwork, stained glass, mantelpieces, garden antiques...) is at the heart of the Marc Maison gallery's expertise. Committed to the recognition of the antiques profession, Marc Maison founded the ‘Association de Défense et de Promotion des Puces de Saint-Ouen’ and obtained its classification as a Zone of Urban and Landscape Architectural Heritage. This distinction, similar to that of the Monuments Historiques, protects a heritage site that is unique in Europe.
Founded : 1988
19th century furniture and objects. Universal Exhibitions 1851 to 1900
CNES Chambre Nationale des Experts spécialisés en objets d'Art et de collection, CEFA Compagnie des Experts Français en Antiquités
Biennale des Antiquaires - Paris, Shanghai Art Fair, Moscow World Fine Art Fair