Galerie Marc Maison
Louis Malard, French cabinetmaker
Monumental bed in Egyptomania style, 19th century
Walnut with polychromy
Presented at the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris. This bed is part of a complete bedroom set
H 271 x W 232 x D 260 cm
Provenance: formerly in the collection of Countess Bathilde Ducos (1851-1927) from 1889 to 1896; private collection of Charles Henri Duquesne and his descendants from 1896 to 2019
Literature: Le Figaro du 1er juillet 1889, 35th year, 3rd series, n° 182, p. 2; Alfred Picard (sous la direction de), Exposition universelle de 1889 à Paris. Rapports du
Jury international, Groupe III - Mobilier et accessoires, classes 17 à 29, p. 68; Gazette de l’hôtel Drouot Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, June 1, 1896; Brissonneau, Livres, Tableaux anciens et modernes, Bijoux, Argenterie, Céramiques, Arts de l’Asie, Armes, Meubles et Objets d’art, auction catalogue from April 5, 2019, pp. 30-33, n° 182
Exhibition: Presented at the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris
This style is associated at the time with the reign of Ramses II in ancient Egypt.
Its deeply original decor embodies the 19th century’s fascination with ancient Egyptian art and caused a true uproar: both Le Figaro and the official jury report praised it in glowing terms.