




BRAFA Art Talk on Paul Delvaux by Camille Brasseur

The 2024 BRAFA Art Fair edition was all about surrealism. With the Paul Delvaux Foundation as guest of honour, the fair programme included an Art Talk given by Camille Brasseur, Director of the Foundation Paul Delvaux Museum, on Tuesday 30 January 2024.

Speaking about "Paul Delvaux (1897-1994). From Clear Dawn to the End of the Day", the lecture traced the development of Paul Delvaux's work throughout his early periods up to the emergence of his own style. It was an excellent opportunity to highlight the recurrence of themes dear to the artist and to establish links between the little-known early works and the masterpieces. The itinerary is an invitation to discover both the work and the man, since they are intrinsically linked.

Tune in and enjoy the registration of this BRAFA Art Talk, organised in partnership with the Paul Delvaux Foundation.

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BRAFA Art Talk 2023 with Prof. Dr. Werner Adriaenssens on Art Nouveau

The 2 February 2023 BRAFA Art Talk was hosted by Prof Dr Werner Adriaenssens, Curator of 20th Century Collections, Museum Art & History, Brussels, who spoke about the King Baudouin Foundation's Art Nouveau collection. Art Nouveau is the first true Belgian style that reached its peak around 1900. It is associated with architecture and decorative arts. Its main representatives include Victor Horta, Paul Hankar, Henry van de Velde and Philippe Wolfers. In more than 20 years, the King Baudouin Foundation has built up an important collection of Belgian Art Nouveau masterpieces. Each artwork has a fascinating history that is explained in its historical context.

Talk given in French, English subtitles.
Registration by ZOOM Production.

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BRAFA Art Talk 2023 with Benjamin Zurstrassen: on the birth of Art Nouveau

At the BRAFA Art Talk of 31 January 2023, Benjamin Zurstrassen, curator of the Horta Museum, analysed the reasons for the emergence of Art Nouveau. The unprecedented artistic and architectural form of expression in Brussels around 1893 was highlighted in terms of its identity, contradictions and difference from the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain. The birthdays and names of the major architectural styles often conceal nuances, secrets and explanations that raise the question of what Art Nouveau actually was, its manifestations and its protagonists.

Talk given in French, English subtitles.
Registration by ZOOM Production.

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Restoring Van Eyck: challenges of the Ghent Altarpiece

A BRAFA Art Talk by Hélène Dubois, the Head of the Project of the Conservation of the Ghent Altarpiece, the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) Brussels. The lecture 'Restoring Van Eyck: challenges of the Ghent Altarpiece' was given at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Moscow on November 12th, 2019.

The event was organized by the BRAFA Art Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Moscow in partnership with VISITFLANDERS.

The international BRAFA Art Fair offers many chances to discover artists, eras, artworks, famous art-world characters and to broaden our knowledge of art and the art market. Mark your calendar for the next BRAFA edition: Sunday, 26 January - Sunday, 2 February, 2020. www.brafa.art

On the cover: Mystic lamb, Saint Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent © www.lukasweb.be — Art in Flanders vzw photo Dominique Provost

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Par Mathieu Deldicque, Conservateur du patrimoine au musée Condé, Domaine de Chantilly.

Les célébrations du 500e anniversaire de la mort de Raphaël invitent à redécouvrir la plus grande collection française d’œuvres du maître, après celle du Louvre. Le musée Condé de Chantilly a la chance de posséder trois tableaux essentiels de l’artiste, ainsi que de nombreux dessins de sa main. Ils ont tous été acquis par le plus grand collectionneur français du XIXe siècle, Henri d’Orléans, duc d’Aumale.

Nous en savons désormais davantage sur les motivations de ce prince, vouant une profonde admiration pour l’artiste, sur ses voies d’approvisionnement, ses intermédiaires et la concurrence qui existait sur le marché de l’art de l’époque à ce sujet. Depuis leur acquisition, et alors qu’une exposition se prépare pour le printemps 2020, les trésors de Chantilly n’ont de cesse de révéler de nouveaux secrets.

Le duc d’Aumale ne pensait par exemple pas qu’un troisième tableau autographe de l’artiste se cachait dans ses collections : ce n’est pas dans les collections de M. Getty mais à Chantilly que l’original de la Madone de Lorette fut découvert dans les années 1970 ! Le récit de cette révélation se prolongera sur les découvertes récentes qui concernent les tableaux et dessins du maître à Chantilly.

Vidéo par Biapal

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Conversation avec Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson est un dramaturge, artiste et collectionneur américain
Conversation animée par Christiane Struyven, Historienne de l'art et avocate honoraire

Lors de cette conversation, Robert Wilson partage ses expériences de théâtre et d’arts visuels. Né à Waco au Texas, Robert Wilson est un dramaturge, un artiste visuel de premier plan ainsi qu’un collectionneur. Ses représentations théâtrales inédites intègrent un large éventail d’expressions artistiques comme la danse, le mouvement, la lumière, la sculpture, la musique et le texte. Esthétiquement et émotionnellement très fortes, ses œuvres et ses productions ont été unanimement saluées par le public et les critiques.

Robert Wilson a créé dans le milieu des années 60 à New York le collectif ‘The Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds’ et a produit ses grandes pièces dont Deafman Glance (1970) et A Letter for Queen Victoria (1974-1975). Il a co-écrit avec Philip Glass l’opéra phare Einstein on the Beach (1976). Lors de cette conversation, Robert Wilson partagera ses expériences de théâtre et d’arts visuels. Ce talk a été présenté en partenariat avec BERNIER/ELIADES Gallery à Bruxelles.

Langue: ENG
Vidéo produite par Matthieu Wolmark, BIAPAL

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Van Eyck. Une révolution optique

Par Till-Holger Borchert, Directeur des Musées de Bruges et Co-commissaire de l’exposition du même nom au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand 
Langue de la conférence: ANG

Lors de cette conférence, Till-Holger Borchert relate les préparatifs et les recherches réalisés en vue de la plus grande exposition jamais consacrée à Jan Van Eyck. Seule une vingtaine d’œuvres du Maître flamand sont conservées de par le monde. Tout à fait exceptionnellement, la moitié d’entre elles ont fait le voyage jusqu’à Gand en 2020, pour l’exposition Van Eyck. Une Révolution optique prévue du 1 février au 30 avril 2020 au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand, mais qui fut hélas fermée prématurément suite à la pandémie du Covid-19.

L’exposition s’articulait autour des volets extérieurs restaurés de 'L’Adoration de l’Agneau mystique', le chef-d’œuvre incontestable de cette exposition qui a fait l’objet depuis 2012 d’une étude et d’une restauration en profondeur et d’autres œuvres de Van Eyck. Pour que la révolution optique de Van Eyck soit clairement perceptible, ses tableaux ont été installés à côté d’une centaine d'œuvres de ses contemporains les plus talentueux originaires d’Allemagne, d’Espagne, de France, et d’Italie. 

Ce talk fut organisé en partenariat avec CODART, le réseau international des Conservateurs de Musée de peinture flamande et hollandaise dont Till-Holger Borchert est membre depuis 2001.

Vidéo produite par Biapal.

Jan et Hubert van Eyck, L'Adoration de l'Agneau Mystique, 1432, Cathédrale Saint- Bavon, Gand © www.lukasweb.be - Art in Flanders vzw.

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Keith Haring

Par Darren Pih et Alberta Sessa, Commissaires de la rétrospective de Keith Haring à BOZAR (06/12/19 → 19/04/2020). Darren Pih est Commissaire à la Tate Liverpool et Alberta Sessa est Curatorial Project Coordinator à BOZAR.
Langue de la conférence: ANG

A l’occasion de la grande rétrospective organisée par la Tate Liverpool et présentée par BOZAR, Darren Pih et Alberta Sessa nous exposeront le travail de l’artiste américain légendaire et activiste Keith Haring (1958-1990). L’artiste manifesta une présence unique dans la scène artistique New Yorkaise des années 80. Il a eu une production très abondante : dessins et peintures de très grands formats, vidéos, collages, affiches, fresques… Il s’est investi dans divers combats : drogue, sida, apartheid et course aux armes nucléaires. Keith Haring était convaincu que l’art était destiné à tous. Pour lui, les rues et les métros de New York constituaient des espaces légitimes pour montrer de l’art. En octobre 1986, il fut invité à peindre une section du Mur de Berlin. Le résultat est une chaîne ininterrompue de ses personnages si caractéristiques aux couleurs du drapeau allemand. Véritable manifeste politique, cette fresque fut pour lui l’occasion de ‘détruire psychologiquement le mur en le peignant’.

Vidéo produite par Matthieu Wolmark de Biapal.

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BRAFA Art Talk 2019 on Bernard van Orley - Brussels and the Renaissance

The BRAFA Art Talk of 30 January 2019 was held by Dr. Véronique Bücken, Head of the Old Masters Painting section of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and Dr. Ingrid De Meûter, Curator of Tapestries and Textiles, Art & History Museum Brussels on the emblematic figure of the Flemish Renaissance, Bernard van Orley (circa 1488-1541).

Bernard van Orley was one of the pivotal figures of the Renaissance in the Low Countries, painter at the court of Marguerite d'Autriche, Marie de Hongrie and Charles Quint, for whom he created portraits, designed tapestries and stained glass windows. His art, initially profoundly anchored in the Brussels’ tradition, transformed under the combined influence of Raphaël and Dürer. Although he never travelled, he left a lasting mark on the Brussels painting and tapestry schools.

From 20th February 2019, BOZAR presents, in collaboration with the MRBAB and the MRAH, the first monographic exhibition ever dedicated to Bernard van Orley – Brussels and the Renaissance. A unique opportunity to rediscover this great master. On until 26th May 2019.

This video is a registration of the BRAFA Art Talk; the first part is held in French and the second in Dutch.

Video by Biapal

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BRAFA and IN ARTIBUS present: Miraculous Michaelina Wautier. If Rubens was a woman?

On October 13th, the IN ARTIBUS Foundation and the BRAFA Art Fair were delighted to have Prof. Dr. Katlijne Van der Stighelen (KU Leuven), who lectured on 'Miraculous Michaelina Wautier (1604-1689). If Rubens was a woman?’.

Katlijne Van der Stighelen curated the first exhibition on the 17th century painter Michaelina Wautier and her younger brother Charles Wautier (1609 -1703), after this enigmatic brother-sister pair had been forgotten for centuries. The exhibition was staged at the Antwerp Museum aan de Stroom (MAS), in collaboration with the Rubens House.

Very little is known about Michaelina Wautier herself. Her life is barely documented. Born in Mons, this artist moved to Brussels soon after 1640, together with her brother Charles. Both remained unmarried and lived in a stately town house near the Chapel Church. Michaelina distinguishes herself from her female counterparts due to her focus on many different genres. Besides taking on portraits and genre paintings, she also turned her hand to large format historical pieces – a challenge that even many male painters resisted. She effortlessly portrayed religious themes and mythological scenes. She observed everyday reality and painted both poignant children's portraits and astonishing and interesting figures.

The BRAFA organisation would like to thank the IN ARTIBUS Foundation and its founder Inna Bazhenova, Prof. Dr. Katlijne Van der Stighelen, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Moscow, VISIT FLANDERS and BRAFA's representative in Russia Ekaterina Limonad for their support.

BRAFA is one of the leading European art and antiques fairs. Here, all art works on show are for sale and quality and authenticity are two of the key requirements exhibitors face. BRAFA is an eclectic fair which encompasses a variety of specialities, from antiquity to the 21st century. BRAFA 2019 opens from 26 January - 3 February at Tour & Taxis, in Brussels, Belgium. Learn more on BRAFA and the BRAFA Art Talks at www.brafa.art

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Pieter Bruegel Art Talk by Christina Currie presented in Moscow by the In Artibus Foundation and BRAFA

On October 26th, 2018, Bruegel expert Dr. Christina Currie, Head of Scientific Imagery at KIK-IRPA, lectured on 'Pieter Bruegel and his artistic progeny' at the In Artibus Foundation in Moscow. Russian collectors, art experts and museum curators thoroughly enjoyed Mrs Currie's lecture, revealing the secrets behind the successful Bruegel dynasty...

The BRAFA organisation would like to thank Dr. Christina Currie and the KIK-IRPA, the In Artibus Foundation and its founder Inna Bazhenova, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Moscow, VISIT FLANDERS and BRAFA's representative in Russia Ekaterina Limonad for their support.

BRAFA is one of the leading European art and antiques fairs. Here, all art works on show are for sale and quality and authenticity are two of the key requirements exhibitors face. BRAFA is an eclectic fair which encompasses a variety of specialities, from antiquity to the 21st century...

BRAFA 2019 opens from 26 January - 3 February at Tour & Taxis, in Brussels, Belgium.

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BRAFA Art Talk 2019 on Pieter Bruegel by Prof. Dr. Manfred Sellink

2019 is the Bruegel year and calls for a lecture by one of the internationally renowned specialists on the artist. In this BRAFA Art Talk, Prof. Dr. Manfred Sellink, General Director and Head Curator of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Antwerp, unveils the most recent discoveries made during research carried out at the Historical Museum of Vienna in the course of the large-scale Bruegel exhibition organised there from 2 October 2018 – 13 January 2019.

Since 2018, BRAFA supports CODART, the international network of Flemish and Dutch visual arts curators. Manfred Sellink has been an active participant since the beginning, and was a member of the board of directors from 2008 to 2017.

Language: NL with English subtitels
In partnership with CODART
Video produced by Matthieu Wolmark BIAPAL

BRAFA loves culture, and loves to share it!
BRAFA has joined forces with the non-profit association BIAPAL to organize the BRAFA ART TALKS by renowned art-world personalites who specialize in curating or in the art market. They take turns to share their knowledge and expertise on diverse and fascinating subjects.

The international BRAFA Art Fair offers many chances to discover artists, eras, artworks, famous art-world characters and to broaden our knowledge of art and the art market. Mark your calendar for the next BRAFA edition: Sunday, 26 January - Sunday, 2 February, 2020. www.brafa.art

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BRAFA Art Talk 2019 on Post-constructivism or the origins of Soviet Art Deco by Kristina Krasnyanskaya

Kristina Krasnyanskaya is a Curator, Head of the Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art Trustees Board, corresponding member of the International Academy of Culture and Art and the owner and founder of the Heritage Gallery. On January 28th, 2019, she gave a BRAFA Art Talk on 'Post-constructivism or the origins of Soviet Art Deco'.

The period associated with Soviet Art Deco is relatively short: 1932-1937. The style originated through the exchange of ideas with the West (especially France and the United States) and it was shaped by Russian avant-garde influences. Soviet Art Deco combined constructivist architectural ideas with the decorative approach of the future Soviet Empire style, while differing from both trends. The style not only left a unique architectural heritage, it was also reflected in interior design, fashion and furniture design and was taken up by renowned architects and artists such as B. Iofan, A. Rodchenko, A. Schusev, A. Dushkin, K. Melnikov, I. Golosov, B. Smirnov, A. Deyneka and A. Damsky.

Language: Russian with simultaneous translation in English
Alexey Schusev - project of Palace of the Soviets.
Video produced by Matthieu Wolmark of BIAPAL

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A conversation with Gilbert & George at BRAFA 2019

The international BRAFA Art Fair proudly welcomed the British duo Gilbert & George at its 2019 edition. The internationally renowned artists are known for their fiercely singular Anti-Art that is poetic, primal and emotionally driven. As Guest of Honour, Gilbert & George presented five large-scale works at the fair. Their humorous side brought colour and dynamism to BRAFA which aimed to promote, more than ever, the idea that ‘Art is for all’, as Gilbert & George themselves have always upheld.

On Thursday 24 January, BRAFA visitors attended a very special lecture by Gilbert & George, in conversation with author Michael Bracewell, about their ‘life in art’, creative process, the evolution of imagery in their pictures, and how their art aims to seduce the viewer with visual power.

In partnership with BOZAR.
Video produced by Matthieu Wolmark of Biapal.

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