
Des œuvres supplémentaires seront mises en ligne le 27/01/2021 !


Mearini Fine Art presents a Special Highlight

To celebrate the 70th edition of BRAFA, the Mearini Fine art Gallery will present an exhibition of marble and wooden sculptures from Haute époque to Renaissance. Among these sculptures there is an exceptional one. It’s a standing figure of Saint (Orsola?), dated circa 1350,  polychromed and gilded softwood with decoration in ‘Pastiglia’ from the Lake of Costance region. It comes from one of the most important European collection of the beginning of the 20th century, the Albert Figdor Collection.
Albert Figdor (Wien 1843-1927) is considered one of the last private art collectors of ancient art. At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert Figdor's art collection was considered the largest private collection in Europe. It included paintings, miniatures, sculptures, ivory carvings, tapestries, clocks, gold and silversmith's work from altars to jewelry as well as relics and around 300 pieces of furniture of all kinds. As Figdor had a particular fondness for objects of domestic and craft use, chandeliers, stoves, metal vessels, tiles, faience, stoneware, glassware, games, toys, medals, textiles, tools and many other groups of objects were added, demonstrating the broad spectrum of their respective genres.
The actual size of the encyclopedic collection seems never to have been determined in terms of numbers; it was estimated at 5,000 to 6,000 artifacts. Many of these can now be found in important museums and private collections around the world. This legendary collection is published in five volumes. This sculpture is published in the 4th volume of the collection.

BRAFA 2025 - Mearini Fine Art - Special highlight



Fabio Mearini

Corso Vannucci 10

IT-06121 Perugia

t. +39 755 72 28 93 | m. +39 329 85 14 055

mearinifineart@gmail.com | www.mearinifineart.com

A propos

Mearini Fine Art est le nouveau développement de la galerie fondée en 1984 par Fabio Mearini. Ses filles Margherita et Virginia ont rejoint la galerie depuis 2020. La galerie est située dans le centre historique de la ville dans l’artère centrale Corso Vannucci 10, juste en face de la Galerie Nationale de l'Ombrie et à quelques pas de l’élégante Fontana Maggiore. La galerie est spécialisée dans les meubles, peintures et sculptures Haute Epoque. Une attention particulière est portée à la restauration et à l'étude des œuvres d'art proposées, sélectionnées avec passion, provenant souvent d'importantes collections privées.

Founded : 1984


Haute Epoque et Beaux-Arts


A.A.I. Associazione Antiquari d'Italia, F.I.M.A. Federazione Italiana Mercanti d'Arte


Modenantiquaria, AMART Milano, ARTE + COLLEZIONISMO A ROMA