Kunstconsult 20th century art I objects - Matserpieces
At the upcoming Brafa Art Fair, collectors and art enthusiasts will have the rare opportunity to witness and acquire two extraordinary creations by Henry van de Velde (1863–1957). The work of this visionary architect and artist bridged the worlds of Art Nouveau and modernism. Kunstconsult presents an exceptionally rare Meissen dinner service and an early Bauhaus-style chair by Van de Velde. These masterpieces embody his innovative approach to design and mark key moments in the history of 20th-century applied arts. The legendary "Peitschenhieb" dinner service was designed by Van de Velde for the Meissen porcelain manufactory in 1902-1904.The offered set – comprising 58 pieces for 12 persons – is among the rarest surviving examples. Only three other services are known to exist worldwide... The rare 1911 armchair by Van de Velde, crafted in white-painted beech or ash by Scheidemantel Weimar, abandoned the flowing Art Nouveau forms of Van de Velde’s earlier works and reflects his evolving design philosophy and foreshadows the functional minimalism of Bauhaus...
BRAFA 2025 - Kunstconsult 20th century art I objects - Henri Van de Velde masterpieces

A propos
Tout en présentant les styles du début du XXe siècle tels que l'Art nouveau, l'école d'Amsterdam, l'Art déco et le modernisme, Kunstconsult se concentre aussi sur le design d'après-guerre. Des meubles issus de tous les mouvements modernes du XXe siècle sont associés à des objets d'art en verre et à des céramiques datant de 1900 à nos jours. La collection comprend également des lampes, des sculptures et des peintures.
Founded : 1993
Arts appliqués du XXe siècle
K.V.H.O.K. Koninklijke Vereeniging van Handelaren in Oude Kunst in Nederland
PAN Amsterdam