Additional artworks will be shown on 27/01/2021 !

virtual tour


Whitford Fine Art - Press release

For BRAFA 2024, the Paul Delvaux Foundation has seized the opportunity to take part in the ‘Year of Surrealism’ and shine a spotlight on the great master’s work. For its 14th uninterrupted participation in BRAFA, Whitford Fine Art will be bringing sculpture which pays tribute to Surrealism and which forms part of the wider celebration of 100 years of Surrealism in 2024.
CLIVE BARKER (UK, b. 1940): HOMAGES to RENÉ MAGRITTE (Belgium, 1898-1967)
In 1964, the 24-year-old Pop Artist Clive Barker met the 66 year old René Magritte at the Hanover Galley in London. Barker expressed his admiration for the Belgian Surrealist following his death in 1967 with the works Magritte’s Pipe and Madame Magritte’s Pipe, which feature as iconic themes of the Belgian Surrealist painter’s subject matter...
KIM HAMISKY (Vietnam 1943-France 2002)
nitially trained as a painter, Hamisky turned to sculpture after becoming the son-in-law of Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne in 1969. Over the years, key to his iconography was the alteration of the practicality of objects as in the present sculpture Le Complex de Janus (1981). The latter addresses the duality of the positive and negative, of the inside and outside of an everyday piece of furniture, pushing the technical limits of any sculptor, and touching on the surreal...

BRAFA 2024 - Whitford Fine Art - Press Release Barker + Hamisky



Adrian Mibus - By appointment only

Cadogan Square

UK-SW1X 0HY London

t. +44 (0)207 930 93 32 | m. +44 (0)7771 98 36 55 | m. +44 (0)7798 778 250

info@whitfordfineart.com | www.whitfordfineart.com


Founded by Adrian Mibus in 1973, Whitford Fine Art is a quintessential family business that offers private clients and museums almost fifty years of experience. The gallery has recently left its long-term premises in Duke Street, St. James’s and is now operating by appointment from neighbouring Knightsbridge. During the 1980s, the gallery traded as Whitford and Hughes and supported the Belgian movements of Luminism and Expressionism. Whilst dealing in 20th century movements, including French Cubism, Modernism, Pop Art and International Post-War painting and sculpture, Whitford Fine Art has always been at the forefront of discovery. The gallery operates along art historical criteria and were early defenders of artists such as Bram Bogart, Paul Van Hoeydonck, Joseph Lacasse and Clive Barker. Lately the gallery has rediscovered 1950s British Abstract Expressionist Frank Avray Wilson, and early 1960s Zero artist Reinhold Koehler. The gallery has been entrusted several Estates, including those of Caziel, Joseph Lacasse and Reinhold Koehler.

Founded : 1973


20th century paintings, drawings and sculptures


S.L.A.D. The Society of London Art Dealers, ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art dealers), C.I.N.O.A. Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art, S.N.A. Syndicat National des Antiquaires Négociants en Objets d'Art Tableaux anciens et modernes de France


Eye of the Collector – London, FAB Paris, The Treasure House Fair London, British Art Fair - London