Michael Nöth
Hoechstetterstraße 16 | By appointment only
DE-91522 Ansbach
After 30 years in international trade, Dr. Michael Nöth has made his profession from his passion and founded his gallery in 2005. Few years later, art historian Regina Gerisch, specialist of 19th and 20th century paintings and former deputy director of Sotheby’s, has joined the company. Together they have built the gallery as it is today. In 2017 Dr. Nöth opened his gallery in Potsdam next to the Museum Barberini.
Paintings of the late 19th and early 20th century especially the French and German impressionism, Secessions and artist colonies around 1900, fauvism, expressionism and the art of the 1920s
BVDG Berufsverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthänder e.V.
ART Karlsruhe, Cologne Fine Art, Art & Antique Residenz - Salzburg, Paper Positions Berlin, Positions Berlin, ARTe Wiesbaden