Galerie von Vertes - newest catalogue!


Dear collectors, dear friends of the gallery,

It is our pleasure to present to you the digital version of our 2020/2021 hardcover catalogue. This year we look at the ? as an act of rebellion. Bound and driven by their insatiable curiosity artists undermine artistic traditions and offer new insights to the beholder.

Lately I was struck by the tremendous force of this seemingly insignificant punctuation mark: What difference can I make as a gallerist? Do I act as an agent of change? For the past 40 years, I have been dealing with small acts of rebellion on a daily basis, as curiosity is one of the driving forces behind all artistic development. Questioning predecessors, commissioners, subject matter and techniques often results in micro acts of rebellion that sometimes change the course of art history.

On behalf of the whole team I would be delighted for you to curiously explore our 2020/2021 catalogue.

We look forward to answering any questions regarding provenance, exhibition history and prices for you via phone or email (+41 44 211 12 13 / info@vonvertes.com)

You can view the catalogue here

Warm regards,

Laszlo von Vertes & Team