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Galeries AB-BA - Hommage à Jean-Pierre Ghysels & Cabinet de Curiosités de Georges Goldfayn, ami d'André Breton

The galerie AB will pay tribute to the great Belgian sculptor Jean-Pierre Ghysels. Born in 1932, Jean Pierre Ghysels is one of the great sculptors of Belgian lyrical abstraction. A pupil of the famous sculptor Ossip Zadkine, Jean-Pierre Ghysels developed a unique artistic language, characterized by harmonious volumes and sensual, contrasting materials in an expressive abstraction. He has taken part in prestigious international exhibitions...

The galerie BA shows a Cabinet of Curiosities from the collection of Georges Goldfayn, friend of Surrealist André Breton. Georges Goldfayn (1933-2017), a film critic, was just 17 when he met André Breton. He was immediately adopted by the Surrealist family. For BRAFA, we are bearing witness to this friendship by reconstructing Georges Goldfayn's ‘Wall’, a reference to Breton's ‘Wall’ in the Centre Pompidou. This is life, with its passions and encounters: Surrealist drawings and sculptures, as well as works of Art Brut and Art Premier, particularly from Oceania. So many references from which the Surrealists drew their inspiration...

BRAFA 2025 - Galeries AB-BA - Dossier de presse



Galerie AB - Agnès Aittouarès

5 Rue Jacques Callot

FR-75006 Paris

t. +33 (0)1 45 23 41 16 | m. +33 (0)6 14 42 96 83

galerieab@gmail.com | www.galerie-ab.com


Galerie Berthet Aittouarès - Odile Aittouarès

14 & 29 Rue de Seine

FR-75006 Paris

t. +33 (0)1 43 26 53 09 | m. +33 (0)6 15 12 20 10

contact@galerie-ba.com | www.galerie-ba.com


Agnès en Odile Aittouarès komen uit een familie van kunsthandelaren. Ze hebben drie locaties in de wijk Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Parijs, waar ze moderne en hedendaagse kunst promoten. Hierdoor kunnen ze een breed scala aan kunstenaars presenteren, waaronder Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Joseph Lacasse, Geer Van Velde, Karel Appel, Pierre Alechinsky, Henri Michaux, Christian Dotremont, Sam Francis, Hans Hartung, André Marfaing, Jean Degottex, Pierre Tal Coat, Zao Wou-Ki, Etienne Viard, Antoine Schneck, Vera Molnar...

Founded : 1989


Schilderijen, tekeningen en sculpturen van 1900 tot heden


FNEPSA Fédération Nationale d’Experts Spécialisés en Art, C.P.G.A. Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art


Art Paris, Salon du Dessin - Paris, Drawing Now Paris, FAB Paris