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Univers du Bronze - Selection of Highlights

Modernity will be embodied with one sculpture by F. X. Lalanne (1927-2008), a Chat in Black marble from the original edition. The unmissable François Pompon (1855-1933) will be represented with a fine selection including a rare example of the Pigeon Nicolas, an important model of the bestiary because this pigeon was Pompon’s pet. Amon other rarities for the animaliers of the 30s, a varnished terracotta Cheval Marin by Jeanne Piffard (1892-1971), a unique piece; a pair of very large Gazelle by Guido Righetti (1875-1958) (c. H. 85 cm), cast by Battaglia circa 1936. Human figures will be also there with wonderful models by Rodin (1840-1917), with an elegant group of Sirènes or Néréides, cast in 1945.
The Torse du Diadumène by Raymond Delamarre (1890-1986) is an unique large format cast by Bisceglia especially for the industrial patron from Saint Etienne in 1937 (c. H. 120cm). Except this eclectic selection, contemporary design pieces by Hubert le Gall (born in 1961), worldwide known interior and exhibition designer, who creates a cross influential and playful Oeuvre. Among these models, the last example of the impressive Éternel Printemps cabinet, a masterpiece of engineering and Japanese aesthetic; then a Branche-neige bench, joyful synthesis of Graphism with the Lesage embroidery; Sculpture with the branch and Function with the moving stools.

BRAFA 2025 - Univers du Bronze - Press release



Michel Poletti & Alain Richarme

27-29 Rue de Penthièvre

FR-75008 Paris

t. +33 (0)1 42 56 50 30 | m. +33 (0)6 82 58 13 83

website@universdubronze.com | www.universdubronze.com


Galerie Univers du Bronze, opgericht in 1986, presenteert voornamelijk werken van grote beeldhouwers uit de 19de en 20ste eeuw. De tentoongestelde kunstenaars zijn Barye, Bugatti, Carpeaux, Degas, Giacometti, Laurens, Lipchitz, Maillol, Pompon, Rodin… De werken van deze kunstenaars worden regelmatig gepresenteerd op internationale beurzen zoals BRAFA, Masterpiece London of Fine Arts Paris en Antica Namen. Michel Poletti en Alain Richarme hebben ook verschillende catalogi gepubliceerd over Barye, Carpeaux ...

Founded : 1986


19de, 20ste eeuwse en hedendaagse beeldhouwkunst


C.P.G.A. Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art, S.N.A. Syndicat National des Antiquaires Négociants en Objets d'Art Tableaux anciens et modernes de France, C.N.E. Compagnie Nationale des Experts, ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art dealers), Alain Richarme, Expert at the Court of Appeal of Paris, Alain Richarme, Expert at the C.N.E.


The Armory Show - New York, EX.Paris, La Biennale Paris, Masterpiece London, Fine Arts Paris, BRAFA - Brussels, The Treasure House Fair London, TEFAF Maastricht, TEFAF Basel, FAB Paris